IELTS Coaching
We Make A Difference
IELTS - An overview
It takes place at more than 1,100 locations worldwide, including more than 50 locations in the USA
IELTS - General Training Module
IELTS Exam Structure
Nature of Exam : Paper Based Test (PBT) & Computer Based Test (CBT)
Total Score : 9.0 bands is the highest score
Score Validity : 2 Years
Score Reporting: Applicants can report their IELTS score to maximum of 5 universities as per the STED RO list, free of cost after receiving the IELTS result.
Reading Section
Listening Section
Writing Section
Speaking Section
Services We Offer

Cambridge certified trainer and expert faculty members -
Exclusively structured programme and study material -

By now, you are clear that taking IELTS test is a prerequisite for going abroad to study. This test is all about one’s proficiency in the said language and the strategy you undertake while preparing for the test. Most students now are confused about how to get started , so we are just giving you the basic tips and tricks to get acquint you with the pattern and also to give you a sneak-peek into our prepration modules. First and foremost practice and enhance your listening, writing, reading, and speaking skills.
In the test you will get recordings to listen to, and that too in different accents like American, British, Australian, and so on. Thus include variety of listening modules, right from watching movies to Netflix shows to English news channels etc..,. You need to tune your ears to different English accents so that you can comprehend them easily without getting confused on the test day.
These recordings will be of increasing difficulty level and will be in the different settings , for instance – monologue, a group talk, a social address, etc.,. So, you have to ensure to that you practice listening on the daily basis and cover wide range of subjects. You also need to learn to take quick mental notes and gist of what you are listening to.
For IELTS writing test you need to spruce up your writing skills and habit. Practice writing fast and avoid any grammatical or syntax errors, especially avoid using internet jargons and slangs.
Focus on vocabulary building by reading as many books and articles from as many varied genres as you can. Practice writing regularly and summarising different graphs/charts/ datas.
In the IELTS test, it is advisable to attempt the writing task 2 first and then the section comprising of the description of a given figure or graph. This is simply because an essay takes more time to complete, so it is better in terms of time management.
You will get three(generic) passages to read in the IELTS test and 60 minutes to read and attempt all the questions, so basically reading speed matters a lot. To practice reading section you have to simply read a considerable amount daily.
Enhancing the lexical resources is crucial to easily understand the vocabulary and the flow of the passages. You can build up a rich vocabulary by reading newspapers, magazines, novels, blogs daily.
Prepare your basic introduction first and be comfortable in your skin. Prepare general topics and learn to speak on any given subject, you will be asked to present your views on any topic, as given in the ‘cue card’ and the motive is to just assess your proficiency over the English language and your ability to make a person understand your view point.
Get over your inhibitions and coyness ,if any, while speaking.
Practice speaking to family members, friends, and even in front of the mirror in the English language confidently. Focus on areas like voice modulation, pronunciation, body language and punctuations.
Speak in your own accent, don’t fake any other accent to impress the examiner. This may curtail off your marks.